Nude beach etiquette is a set of standards, often left unspoken. It leaves offenders without the excuse of ignorance. Etiquette informs newcomers what to expect and that they are not alone. Nobody should feel that they are facing rude people alone. If you want to think of it in terms of rules, there are only three.
1) Respect the boundaries. The beach you save may be your own. Don’t go out of established nude areas. To wander nude into clothing compulsive territory may offend many, and puts the whole beach at risk. No overt sexual activity. Nude is not lewd, but combined with sex, it undermines our image and could cost us our freedom and enjoyment of the beach.
2) Respect the people. Do not photograph people without their permission. It is common courtesy to ask first. Not everyone wants to end up in a stranger’s photo album. Never photograph any children but your own. Respect the privacy of others. If there is a lot of room, then give people a respectable distance. Recognize when you are unwelcome.
3) Respect the beach. Pack it in, pack it out. If you carried it in, you must carry it back out. It is recommended that you pack out a little more than you packed in. Not everyone packs theirs out and much trash washes up from other beaches. Speak up for our standards. If a person seems unaware of beach etiquette, explain it kindly and plainly. Give them a copy of “Nude Beach Etiquette”. Don’t let uncouth individuals ruin our fragile and beautiful place under the sun. The beach you save could be your own!
Used with permission from The Naturist Society